Ok, to actually make use of this blog thing, I will make it into my review notes, starting..... now!
From last week we learned ...
Universal quantifier: ∀, “for all” (∀x means - for all x) literally
Existential quantifier: ∃, “there exist"(∃x means - there exist a x) literally
NOT ∀x means not all x, and
NOT ∃x means there exist no x.
Quantifiers are followed by predicates (P,Q,R,P(x),Q(x),R(x)) or conditional (P IMPLIES Q), so they makes sense this this way...
∀x, P - for all x, P is true
∃x, (P IMPLIES Q) - there exist a x, where (P IMPLIES Q) is true
This week.... Visualization with Venn Diagram
Venn Diagram, invented by Venn, is (for now) two interlocked circle within a big rectangle.
The rectangle symbolizes the background set, all the elements required by the predicates and more.
Each circle represents a predicate.
The interlocked area represent where both predicates are true.
Hence, we can use the Venn diagram to represent relations between any two predicates EASILY!
Say X mean false, O mean true, P and Q are predicates, z are background data.
X in P means no z JUST in P, it could be in both P and Q though
O in P means there exist z in P
X in the interlocked area means no z is in both P and Q
O in the interlocked area means there exist z in both P and Q
Now about set relations
1) set can be empty - null
2) A union B - A, A and B, B
3) A intercept B - A and B
4) A is a subset of B - all x in A are also in B
5) A is not a subset of B - there exist some x in A that are not in B
6) NOT A - B, other xs
Differences between sentences and statement - statement is a quantifiable sentence, thus can be evaluated to be true or false. Questions are obviously not statements.
Predicates are symbolized statements - P(x) = x wants to be my friend, for example
We can quantify predicates with quantifiers - ∀x, P(x) = everyone wants to be my friend, you see?
Now we are ready for implication
If P, then Q is the same sentence as P IMPLIES Q. P is the antecedent, Q is the consequent
But here the trick is , for P IMPLIES Q to be true, we just need to not prove it false.
The only way to prove it false is when P is True yet Q is False.
In all other cases, P IMPLIES Q is considered true.
Furthermore, just because P IMPLIES Q, does NOT mean Q IMPLIES P, i.e. the converse of P IMPLIES Q is not true. (NOT Q IMPLIES NOT P is true though, this is called the contrapositive)
Simple example.
If I love you, then I will make you breakfast.
This also means - If I don't make you breakfast, I don't love you.
But this doesn't mean - if I make you breakfast, then I love you. That's absurd! See?
Now, vacuous truth...
Remember how I said "for P IMPLIES Q to be true, we just need to not prove it false.
The only way to prove it false is when P is True yet Q is False"
Thus when P is never gonna be True, the statement P IMPLIES Q is vacuously True!
Equivalence! is equivalent to - if and only if
Before we go that far, let's look at what only if means - only if P, then Q
This means 1) P is the only condition where Q is True, which means 2) if Q is true, P must also be true
only if is the reverse implication of
If P then Q - P IMPLIES Q (P is the sufficient condition for Q)
Only if P then Q - Q IMPLIES P (P is necessary condition for Q,
not necessarily sufficient!)
*Quick Note:
Q if P = If P then Q,
Q only if P = Only if P then Q.
Now, what's If and only if P then Q?
P IMPLIES Q and Q IMPLIES P, hence it is P = Q in predicate logic sense
Something weird...
If both P and Q are always False, in the same way as before, we can't prove - that when P is True, Q is not, NOR when Q is True, P is not. Hence P if and only if Q is considered true!
This is all from week 2........................................Finally'