Sunday, September 14, 2014

Week1 Standard Format

{ what's something new you learned this week in class?
Really want to answer honestly ~ nothing, because CSC240 ruined my life.
But hence I also know the point of this, I would say that I learn
1. CSC165 is the base of all math for computer science, which is the base of mostly everything else in computer science
2. We need to be interested in the course to do well
3. Computer code needs to be super precise
4. How to solve a problem
        understand - plan - carry - review
5. Universal quantifier (For All) and existential quantifier (There Exist)

{ what's something you enjoyed this week in class?
The professor is REALLY funny, because he uses memes correctly
Which IS really important for me because that's how I can sit through a 3 hours long class starting at 6pm on a Tuesday night

{ what's something that challenged or frustrated you this week?
NOthing, I am God (jk, 240 ruined my life)

{ how confident do you feel about material covered this week?

{ how does course material relate to other classes or interests?
I love logic, philosophy for the win, PHL245.

{ what was one of your achievements this week
Met a new friend, his name is Sue Yong, like he is gonna sue me, if I call him So Yong

{ how did your tutorial/test/assignment go this week?
Didn't happen, sorry, nothing interesting here to say.

A math problem...
John is twenty years younger than Amy, and in
five years' time he will be half her age.
What is John's age now?
LOGIC: 2x+20+10=2x+30=3y, x+5=y, hence, x = 15, y = 20

Another math problem...
Let A, B, and C be three statements.
The statement “A being true implying B being true implies C being true” is true if and only if either A is true and B is false or C is true.
Is it true?
(A -> B -> C) <-> A and NOT(B) or C
LOGIC: if A is true and B is false, then A being true implying B being true is false also

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